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    7 Ways to Avoid Sickness on Cold Days



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    7 Ways to Avoid Sickness on Cold Days: During the winter, outbreaks tend to be more serious. Regardless of the weather, the most important thing you need to do to stay healthy is to take care of your health.

    “prevention is better than treatment.”

    Try as much as possible to give up these habits that you may be following which you may be following to protect yourself from getting sick even in cold weather.

    1.Use the nasal drop before going out.

    nasal drop

    The airways in the nose become constrictive when there is wind present. When you try to relieve the discomfort in your nose by putting a few nasal drops in it, the mucous membranes there are unable to defend the body against hazardous bacteria or warm the cool air we breathe. But do you understand how to properly use a nasal spray? Some times,

    “Your Whole Life, You’ve Been Using Nasal Spray Wrong”

    Therefore allow us to explain a few things to you about your nose. When your nose feels dry or stuffy, it’s actually your sinus cavities, which are located above your forehead and along the side of your nose. In other words, if you spray a nasal spray directly into the back of your nose, it will trickle down the back of your throat and be ineffective.

    You desire to spray a nasal spray into the sinus canals. It can then function properly. Now, we’ll show you how to do it correctly.

    Take the nasal spray first, then tilt your head slightly forward. You want to tilt your head slightly forward because if you do, it will flow straight down the back of your throat.

    The second point is that you want to aim it slightly outward, like in a w-shape, towards the outside of your nose. What everyone does when they spray is that it goes straight to the back of their throat, so instead of inhaling, spray outside and let your breath be smooth and natural.

    But even if you run out, you can still clean it up with a tissue if you aim outside and give them some extra.

    2. Don’t Breathe Out Through Mouth

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    Photo by Rodolfo Clix on

    Why must you inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose? You lose moisture as you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Therefore, breathing in via your nose and out through your mouth results in a 42% larger water loss.

    “Is Mouth Breathing Bad?”

    When you breathe in, your nose warms and moistens the air entering your lungs. This is excellent. This facilitates oxygen transfer and guards against exercise-induced asthma.

    Your airways will become aggravated if you inhale cold, dry air through your mouth, but when you exhale, you are drawing energy from your body, and your nose is made to hold both moisture and warmth.

    Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth increases the likelihood that the nose will become clogged because it prevents the nose from opening itself. If a person with nasal congestion continued to breathe through their nose, their nose would continue to function. However, because their nose feels congested, they opened their mouth instead, which created a serious issue that required them to visit their doctor.

    In conclusion, mouth breathing does not warm or moisten the air, and prolonged exposure raises the risk of angina or chest pain brought on by extreme exhaustion. Try to breathe through your nose gently and deeply to alleviate this discomfort.

    3. Stick to it when you feel very cold.

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    Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on

    When you are shivering from the cold, try to keep your body warm by not sticking to it anymore. Get a hot drink or warm up in a hot place and breathe well. Do not try to run fast when you have a cold.

    4. Wear tights and shoes.

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    Photo by Nikita Khandelwal on

    How to Keep Your Feet Warm While Working Outside in Cold Weather

    We need to give serious consideration to how we keep our feet warm when we consider the winter season. So there are several ways we can keep our feet warm.

    However, there is a quick tip you can use to make your winter boots warmer as the weather drops. Even while wearing excellent boots, thick wool socks, and even a few artificial warmers, it is possible for your feet to become chilly at times. A cheap parasol from the dollar shop can easily fix this.

    You should start by taking the insoles out of your boots, setting them face down on the shade, and drawing an outline around them using a sharpie. Cut along the lines you just drew with a pair of scissors. Your finished product will be a custom-fit insert that will fit exactly inside of your boot. At this point, you can reposition your original insult. Your new inserts will not only offer more protection from the chilly ground when you’re ready to step outside again, but they’ll also reflect body heat back to you. making sure your feet are warm and comfortable.

    5. Drink something hot about 30 minutes before leaving the house. .

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    Photo by Chevanon Photography on

    In this movement, we really don’t like to offer difficult recipes; instead, we look for two things: easy and healthy.

    In order to keep you warm, we want to share four incredibly simple and healthy drinks that we like to make in the fall and winter.

    Cinnamon Ginger Tea Besides being delicious, this tea has several immune-boosting qualities. Start by heating a pot of water, then peel and cut fresh ginger root while the water is coming to a boil. Add the ginger and one cinnamon stick after the water begins to boil. After allowing this to boil for 15 to 20 minutes, pour it into your cup and, if you’d like, add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. On those days, you might add raw honey to sweeten it.

    It is still possible for you to have a cup of hot chocolate if you adore chocolate. The key here is to utilize raw cacao powder instead of cocoa powder, which is significantly more processed, in order to keep it healthy.

    So you can paper yourself, use a saucepan. one cup of almond milk is combined. One tablespoon of pure maple syrup, one tablespoon of cacao powder, a dash of vanilla essence, a dash of salt, and a stir as everything warms up, and you’re ready to enjoy the ideal treat on any chilly day.

    Matcha is another of our favorite warm beverages. You will adore drinking a cup of matcha in the mornings because it is so effective at boosting energy for the day. coffee with z Matcha has caffeine, so it does give you an energy boost, but unlike coffee, it doesn’t leave you feeling jittery since Matcha also contains an amino acid that aids in the body’s slower absorption of caffeine. As a result, it is more gradual and offers numerous health advantages. One interesting fact about matcha is that it has ten times the nutritional content of green tea, which means it has a lot of antioxidants.

    Therefore, it can be consumed in a variety of ways and is essentially a condensed form of green tea. But now, we’d like to provide a recipe for a straightforward matcha latte. First, warm up a fourth cup of water, then warm up three or four cups of almond milk in a separate saucepan. Pour the milk in after whisking the matcha with hot water.

    People prefer to drink this unsweetened, but you can certainly add honey or maple syrup to make it sweeter. Golden milk, a traditional Indian beverage rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, is a creamy beverage full of nutrients that people enjoy having as a quick afternoon pick-me-up.

    Due to the numerous spices it includes, there are numerous recipes for making it, and we are nearly positive that the one we produce is not the authentic version. If you want to attempt the authentic version, we advise conducting your own study, but this is the method we suggest using. First, blend one cup of almond milk with four teaspoons of turmeric, eight teaspoons of each of ginger and cinnamon, and one teaspoon of cinnamon. a dash of ground black pepper and a dash of vanilla extract, which will improve the body’s ability to absorb turmeric.

    These are some of our favorite warm, healthy drinks to make during the fall and winter, and we’d love to hear what some of your favorites are, so share your recipes in the comments section. After heating this just until it’s hot, not boiling, it’s ready to serve.

    Does drinking an alcoholic beverage when it’s cold outside keep you warm?

    If you want to stay warm in the fall and winter, sip on a warm alcoholic beverage like a hot toddy, but does your body actually warm up? When discussing the realities of drinking alcohol in the cold and how the weather functions. A hot toddy is a popular beverage in the fall and winter when the temperatures start to drop. We can break down some weather mist.

    If you’re unfamiliar, a hot toddy is a heated whiskey that is typically combined with water, honey, and spices. Contrary to popular belief, alcoholic drinks like hot toddies really make you feel colder. Actually, alcohol is a vasodilator, which means that the alcoholic beverage expands your blood vessels and makes it possible for more blood to flow to the surface of your skin. The rushing blood gives you the impression that you are warmer, but in reality, you begin to lose body heat as the blood cools to the surrounding air’s temperature. Your body depends on the tightening of your blood vessels to maintain heat in chilly environments. Additionally, drinking lessens your body’s capacity for shivering.

    As a result, there are no longer two ways to deal with the cold; instead of that bubbly, if you want to stay warm in the cold, drink warm non-alcoholic beverages like a nice cup of coffee or hot cocoa because, no, a hot toddy won’t do it.

    6. Going out hungry when there is cold weather around.

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    Photo by Ron Lach on

    All of us want to do during the winter is EAT MORE!!! At this time of year, it’s fairly usual to feel more hungry, and there are lots of good reasons why. Our body temperatures drop as a result of the colder weather, which stimulates our appetites. This is because eating promotes the production of internal heat, which raises body temperature.

    Your body naturally uses more energy in the winter since it has to work more and expend more energy merely to keep you warm. As a result, you feel the need to eat more food. But you shouldn’t take this as an excuse to overindulge! You’ll undoubtedly agree that exercising is preferable to adding an extra layer of fat from overeating because there are other efficient ways to stay warm, such as wearing additional layers of clothing!

    So how do we handle these urges? Regularly consuming protein- and fiber-rich meals and snacks is crucial. As a result, we have less desire for dangerous unprocessed carbs and sugary snacks because they leave us feeling full and keep our blood sugar levels stable. Our choice of main meals throughout the winter is crucial, along with making nutritious snacks.

    Eating in line with the seasons is cozy and filling, leaving you satisfied and free of cravings. With some stewed apples and cinnamon, porridge is a fantastic option for a hearty breakfast. It’s also delicious, healthy, and filling. A hearty bowl of soup with plenty of seasonal vegetables, like carrots, onions, and butternut squash, along with some lentils, beans, or chicken for protein, could be the perfect lunch option.

    Dinner would be a hearty stew with lean meat, veggies, such cabbage, served with some brown rice. All of these meals are filling, so it ought to be simpler to regulate your portion sizes as well. Comfort food has the potential to be both wholesome and satiating, and it has the potential to be useful in preventing cravings and binge eating.

    Hopefully you now completely see why you experience increased hunger during the chilly winter months, how to handle any cravings that may emerge from this, and the benefits of consuming hot meals at this time of year. By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll benefit from staying healthy, feeling fantastic, and having a greater chance of avoiding unwelcome winter weight gain—especially if you also maintain the proper temperature by putting on an additional jumper or participating in one of our early-morning workouts! To generate heat, the body requires energy. Or the body turns to stone due to freezing. So, eat when you’re not hungry.

    7.Apply cream immediately before leaving.

    woman applying face cream
    Photo by Ron Lach on

    The atmosphere significantly dries out our skin in the winter. Despite our best efforts, our skin eventually dries down and evaporates. Because of this, it’s crucial to prepare as well as moisturize and hydrate the skin. We’ve created five do’s and five don’ts for dry skin in the winter to prevent moisture loss.

    Do 1: Ensure that the indoor temperature is kept between 18°C and 22°C, together with a humidity range of 40% to 60%.

    Do 2: Consume foods that maintain skin hydration. Every day, consume 1.5 to 2L of water.

    Step 3: Use hydrating products to keep your skin hydrated.

    Use moisturizing oils as your fourth step.

    Do 5: After-cleanse night care, hydrate

    Don’t 1: Keep skin moist.

    Avoid meals that dry up the skin (don’t number two).

    Don’t 3: Use substances that cause your skin to get dry

    Don’t 4: Exfoliating often

    Don’t 5: Harsh cleansing.

    Please check back for information on dos and don’ts.

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    Could Yoga be the Culprit Behind Your Digestive Issues? A Closer Look at Diarrhea and Yoga



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    In this article, we will explore the potential connection between diarrhea and yoga. We will delve into the potential causes of digestive issues during yoga practice and provide insights on how to alleviate these symptoms. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or just starting out, understanding how yoga may impact your digestive system is important for maintaining a healthy and comfortable practice.

    Is Yoga Causing My Digestive Issues?

    Yoga has long been hailed for its numerous health benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, and stress reduction. However, some individuals may experience digestive discomfort during or after a yoga session. While the exact cause of these symptoms can vary, there are a few common factors that could be contributing to your digestive issues.

    One potential cause of diarrhea during yoga is the physical movements and poses themselves. Certain yoga postures, especially those that involve deep twists or compressions of the abdomen, can put pressure on the digestive organs. This pressure may stimulate bowel movements and lead to diarrhea, especially if you already have a sensitive digestive system. In addition, the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system during yoga, also known as the rest-and-digest response, can promote bowel movements and further exacerbate digestive issues.

    How Can I Alleviate Digestive Discomfort During Yoga?

    If you have experienced diarrhea or other digestive issues during yoga, there are steps you can take to alleviate these symptoms and continue to enjoy your practice. Firstly, it is important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself into postures that cause discomfort. If you are practicing yoga in a group setting, do not feel pressured to perform poses that do not feel right for your body. Instead, focus on gentle, mindful movements and breathing techniques that promote relaxation and digestive wellness.

    In addition, paying attention to your pre-yoga meal and hydration can make a significant difference in preventing digestive issues during practice. It is best to avoid eating heavy or large meals immediately before yoga, as these can weigh down the digestive system and lead to discomfort during movement. Opt for light, easily digestible foods and ensure adequate hydration before and after your yoga session to support overall digestive health.

    Could There Be Other Underlying Factors?

    While yoga-related movements and poses can contribute to digestive discomfort, it is important to consider other potential underlying factors that may be exacerbating your symptoms. Pre-existing digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food sensitivities, or intolerances can make you more susceptible to experiencing diarrhea during physical activity, including yoga. Stress and anxiety can also play a significant role in digestive issues, and yoga itself is often practiced as a means to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

    If you find that your digestive issues persist despite making adjustments to your yoga practice and lifestyle, it may be beneficial to consult with a healthcare professional. A medical professional can help determine if there are any underlying digestive conditions or dietary factors that may be contributing to your symptoms and provide personalized recommendations for managing your digestive health.


    Yoga can be a valuable tool for improving physical and mental well-being, but it is essential to be mindful of its potential impact on digestive health. If you have experienced diarrhea or other digestive issues during yoga, consider the potential causes and take steps to alleviate these symptoms. By listening to your body, making mindful food choices, and seeking professional guidance as needed, you can continue to enjoy the many benefits of yoga while supporting your digestive wellness.


    1. Can yoga cause diarrhea?

    Yes, certain yoga postures and the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system during yoga can stimulate bowel movements and lead to diarrhea, especially in individuals with sensitive digestive systems.

    2. How can I prevent digestive discomfort during yoga?

    To prevent digestive discomfort during yoga, avoid pushing yourself into uncomfortable poses, opt for light and easily digestible pre-yoga meals, stay hydrated, and be mindful of any underlying digestive conditions or stress levels that may be contributing to your symptoms.

    3. What should I do if I experience persistent digestive issues during yoga?

    If you continue to experience digestive issues during yoga despite making adjustments, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to explore potential underlying factors and receive personalized recommendations for managing your digestive health.

    4. Is it normal to feel nauseous during yoga?

    Some individuals may experience nausea during certain yoga postures, especially if pressure is placed on the abdomen. If you consistently feel nauseous during yoga, consider modifying your practice or seeking guidance from an experienced instructor.

    5. Can yoga help with digestive issues?

    Yoga is often practiced as a means to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can have positive effects on digestive health. Certain yoga postures and breathing techniques may also help alleviate digestive discomfort and promote overall well-being.

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    The Controversy of Teaching Yoga without Certification: What You Need to Know



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    Description: In this article, we will discuss the controversy surrounding teaching yoga without certification. We will explore the importance of certification, the potential risks of unqualified instructors, and what you need to know before enrolling in a yoga class.

    Why is yoga certification important?

    Yoga certification ensures that instructors have received proper training in teaching yoga, including knowledge of anatomy, alignment, and injury prevention. Certified yoga teachers have undergone rigorous training and have demonstrated proficiency in guiding students through yoga practices safely and effectively.

    Without certification, instructors may lack the necessary understanding of proper alignment and sequencing, putting their students at risk of injury. Additionally, certified teachers are equipped to modify poses for individuals with specific needs or limitations, ensuring an inclusive and safe yoga practice for all.

    What are the potential risks of teaching yoga without certification?

    Teaching yoga without certification can pose significant risks to both the instructor and their students. Instructors who lack proper training may unintentionally cause harm by instructing poses with incorrect alignment, leading to injuries for their students. Moreover, without an understanding of injury prevention, unqualified teachers may overlook potential risks and contraindications for specific practices, putting individuals at higher risk of injury.

    From a legal standpoint, teaching yoga without certification could also result in liability issues. Instructors may not have the necessary insurance coverage or legal protection if a student were to be injured in their class. It’s essential for yoga instructors to obtain proper certification to safeguard both themselves and their students from potential harm.

    What should you consider before enrolling in a yoga class?

    Prior to enrolling in a yoga class, it’s crucial to inquire about the instructor’s certification and training. Ask about the teacher’s background, including their yoga education, certifications, and experience. Ensure that the instructor has the necessary qualifications to guide a safe and effective yoga practice.

    Furthermore, observe the instructor’s teaching style and approach to ensure that their methods align with your personal goals and preferences. It’s important to feel confident in your instructor’s abilities and trust that they have the knowledge and expertise to facilitate a positive yoga experience.

    How can you distinguish between certified and uncertified yoga instructors?

    One way to identify certified yoga instructors is to look for recognized credentials, such as a “RYT” (Registered Yoga Teacher) designation from Yoga Alliance. This indicates that the instructor has completed a 200-hour or 500-hour yoga teacher training program and has met the standards set by Yoga Alliance, the largest nonprofit association representing the yoga community.

    Beyond formal credentials, certified instructors are typically transparent about their training and qualifications. They may display their certifications in their studio or provide information about their educational background and teaching experience. If you are uncertain about an instructor’s certification status, don’t hesitate to ask them directly for clarification.


    In conclusion, the controversy surrounding teaching yoga without certification highlights the importance of obtaining proper training and credentials as a yoga instructor. Certification provides assurance of an instructor’s competency, knowledge, and commitment to ethical and safe teaching practices. When enrolling in a yoga class, it’s essential to prioritize the qualifications and experience of the instructor to ensure a positive and secure yoga experience for yourself and others.


    1. Can anyone teach yoga without certification?

    No, teaching yoga without proper certification can pose risks to both instructors and students. All yoga instructors should undergo formal training and obtain recognized credentials to ensure they can guide safe and effective yoga practices.

    2. What are some recognized yoga teacher certifications?

    Some recognized yoga teacher certifications include RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) from Yoga Alliance, E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), and YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider). These credentials indicate that an instructor has completed a standard yoga teacher training program and adheres to professional standards.

    3. How can I verify an instructor’s certification status?

    You can verify an instructor’s certification status by checking with the organization through which they obtained their credentials. For example, Yoga Alliance maintains a registry of certified yoga teachers that you can search to verify an instructor’s credentials.

    4. Are there any exceptions to certification requirements for teaching yoga?

    Some yoga studios and fitness centers may hire instructors without formal certification, but these instances are becoming increasingly rare. However, it’s important for instructors to pursue certification and continue their education to uphold the highest standards of teaching and safety.

    5. What should I do if I have concerns about an instructor’s qualifications?

    If you have concerns about an instructor’s qualifications or teaching practices, it’s best to address your concerns directly with the studio or facility where the classes are held. You can inquire about the instructor’s background and qualifications to ensure that they meet the necessary standards for guiding a yoga practice.

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    Exploring the Healing Benefits of Somatic Yoga Therapy



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    Welcome to our article about the healing benefits of somatic yoga therapy. In this article, we will explore the principles of somatic yoga therapy, its benefits for the mind and body, and how it can help individuals to heal and improve their overall well-being.

    What is Somatic Yoga Therapy?

    Somatic yoga therapy is a holistic approach to healing and wellness that combines traditional yoga practices with principles of somatic movement and therapy. Somatic yoga therapy focuses on the mind-body connection and incorporates gentle movements, breathwork, and mindfulness practices to help individuals release tension, reduce stress, and improve their overall physical and emotional well-being.

    Somatic yoga therapy is rooted in the understanding that the body holds onto past traumas, stress, and emotions, which can manifest as physical discomfort, pain, or mental distress. By practicing somatic yoga therapy, individuals can learn to release these held tensions, improve body awareness, and restore balance and harmony to their mind and body.

    What are the Benefits of Somatic Yoga Therapy?

    The benefits of somatic yoga therapy are vast and can positively impact all areas of an individual’s life. By practicing somatic yoga therapy, individuals can experience improved flexibility, strength, and posture. The gentle movements and stretches help to release tension in the body, alleviate chronic pain, and promote overall physical wellness.

    Furthermore, somatic yoga therapy can have profound effects on mental and emotional well-being. The mindful breathing and movement practices help individuals to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Somatic yoga therapy also promotes self-awareness, self-compassion, and a sense of inner peace. Overall, it can help individuals to improve their resilience, emotional regulation, and overall mental health.

    How Can Somatic Yoga Therapy Help with Healing?

    Somatic yoga therapy can be incredibly beneficial for those on a healing journey. Whether an individual is recovering from injury, managing chronic pain, or working through emotional trauma, somatic yoga therapy can provide a supportive and healing space.

    By practicing somatic yoga therapy, individuals can improve their body awareness, learn to listen to their body’s signals, and develop a greater sense of empowerment and agency over their own healing process. The gentle movements and breathwork can aid in releasing held tension and emotions, promoting relaxation, and supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

    Is Somatic Yoga Therapy Suitable for Everyone?

    Yes, somatic yoga therapy is suitable for individuals of all ages and physical abilities. The gentle and accessible nature of somatic yoga therapy makes it a valuable practice for anyone seeking to improve their well-being. Whether a person is new to yoga or has been practicing for years, somatic yoga therapy can offer a supportive and nurturing space for self-exploration and healing.

    It is important to find a qualified somatic yoga therapist or instructor to guide individuals through their practice, ensuring that it is tailored to their unique needs and abilities. With proper guidance, somatic yoga therapy can be a safe and effective practice for all.


    Somatic yoga therapy is a powerful and holistic approach to healing and well-being. By integrating the principles of somatic movement, mindfulness, and yoga, individuals can experience profound benefits for their body, mind, and spirit. Whether seeking to improve physical wellness, manage stress, or support healing, somatic yoga therapy offers a gentle and effective path towards overall well-being.


    How is somatic yoga therapy different from traditional yoga?

    Somatic yoga therapy incorporates principles of somatic movement and therapy, focusing on the mind-body connection and releasing held tension and emotions. While traditional yoga also offers numerous benefits for physical and mental wellness, somatic yoga therapy specifically emphasizes the somatic experience within the practice.

    Can somatic yoga therapy help with chronic pain?

    Yes, somatic yoga therapy can be beneficial for individuals managing chronic pain. The gentle movements, breathwork, and mindfulness practices can help to alleviate tension, reduce pain, and promote overall physical wellness. It is important to work with a qualified somatic yoga therapist to create a practice tailored to individual needs.

    Is somatic yoga therapy suitable for beginners?

    Yes, somatic yoga therapy is suitable for individuals of all levels, including beginners. The practice is gentle and accessible, providing a supportive space for self-exploration and healing. It is important to find a qualified somatic yoga therapist or instructor to guide beginners through their practice.

    Can somatic yoga therapy help with emotional healing?

    Yes, somatic yoga therapy can support emotional healing by promoting self-awareness, self-compassion, and a sense of inner peace. The practices can aid in releasing held emotions, reducing stress, and supporting overall mental well-being.

    Are there any contraindications for somatic yoga therapy?

    Individuals with specific medical conditions or injuries should consult with a healthcare professional before beginning a somatic yoga therapy practice. While the practice is gentle and accessible, it is important to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for individual needs.

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